24日(金)18:45 27日(月)16:00 31日(金)16:00
過酷な人生にも関わらず、希望を持って前へ進もうとする三人の青年。スリリングかつ小気味良く展開する物語の中、それぞれの真実が次第に明らかとなる。若手演技派で数多くのヒット作を持つシャヘイジー・サム、ヤスミン・アフマド監督の『ムクシン』『タレンタイム』に出演のシャフィー・ナスウィが主人公を好演。ホー・ユーハン監督作品『レイン・ドックス』(2006)と肩を並べるようなマレー系青春映画の秀作である。乳幼児売買は現実に起こっており、ウー・ミンジン監督の『タイガーファクトリー』でも題材にされている。LAアジア・パシフィック映画祭、アブ・ダビ映画祭、ウーディネ極東映画祭、他、公式招待作品。マレーシアのスクリーン映画賞では、最優秀監督賞、主演、助演男優賞をトリプル受賞。 マレーシア版アカデミー賞Filem Festival Malaysiaでは、最優秀助演男優賞、助演女優賞を含む3部門賞に輝いた。
本作の監督であるエフェンディ、ファリザの二人は共にクアラ・ルンプール生まれ。コンビで数々の作品を手がける二人は、実生活でもパートナーである。エフェンディは映画現場のキャリアが長く、TVドラマのディレクターとしても活躍する他、数々のミュージック・ヴィデオを手がける。ファリザは画家として作品を発表しながら、TV番組のプロデュースや俳優活動も行うなどのキャリアを持つ。二人は、同名TVドラマ・シリーズ『Kami』の人気を受けて制作された映画『Kami:The Movie』(2008)で長編映画デビュー。本作『Songlap』は2作目の共同監督作品となる。
Dir. Effendee Mazlan & Fariza Azlina Isahak/2011/Malaysia/100mins/Digital/Colour
Trailer: http://youtu.be/zhSBbonkSQI
The two brothers Am and Ad are petty mobsters who belong to a baby-trafficking syndicate in Kuala Lumpur. Ad, the younger brother, dreams of winning a hip hop dance competition someday in order to wash his hands of illegal business. Am is a gambling addict and is always busy managing to raise money. Abandoned by their mother, the two brothers have raised themselves. Such a background has tied them together strongly despite their opposing personalities. Meanwhile, Hawa, the pregnant sister of Ad’s best friend, a friend who died of a drug overdose, runs away from home, hiding from her father. However, she falls victim to the baby-trafficking syndicate and ends up being sent to a desolate birthing facility. There she comes across Am and Ad. The circumstances surrounding Hawa and her baby remind Ad of his own upbringing, and he decides to take action…
The three adolescents strive to make their ways through their harsh lives without losing hope. The story unfolds smartly and thrillingly, while gradually revealing the truth about each character. An efficient young actor, Shaheizy Sam, who has starred in many hit films, and Syafie Naswip, who appeared in Mukhsin and Talentime, directed by Yasmin Ahmad, both give great performances as the two protagonists. Songlap is an excellent youth film about Malay backgrounds, the quality of which is equal to Rain Dogs (2006) by Ho Yuhang. Cases of baby-trafficking have actually been reported in Kuala Lumpur, and also became the material of Tiger Factory, a film by Woo Ming Jin. Songlap was officially screened at the LA Asian Pacific Film Festival, the Abu Dhabi Film Festival, the Udine Far East Film Festival, and others. It was also awarded the Best Film Director, Best Actor, and Best Supporting Actor awards at the Screen Awards in Malaysia. Songlap became a triple winner of the Filem Festival Malaysia, equivalent to Malaysian Academy Awards, including the Best Supporting Male and Female Actor awards.
The co-directors, Effendee Mazlan and Fariza Azlina Isahak, were both born in Kuala Lumpur. They have produced numerous films together, and share their private lives as a couple. Effendee has a long career on movie sets, and has also worked as a director of TV dramas and a large number of music videos. Fariza has exhibited her work as a painter, while producing TV programs and performing as an actress. Their feature film debut as directors was Kami:The Movie (2008), which was produced in response to the great popularity of the drama series of the same title, Kami. Songlap is the second film that Effendee and Fariza have directed together.
協力:Primeworks Studios、Red Films
字幕翻訳:田中美奈 Mina TANAKA