シネ・マレーシア --マレーシア映画の現在--  CineMalaysia --Festival of Malaysian film, Tokyo, 2013--
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Posted on 4月 22nd, by cinemalaysia in ラインナップ, 特集上映作品.

25日(土)18:00  28日(火)15:50

監督: 細井尊人/2012年/日本・マレーシア/86分/デジタル/カラー
クアラ・ルンプールに降り立った日本人男性タツミは、失踪した弟ユウジの行方を捜している。手がかりは送られてきた意味不明の手紙と、現地で撮ったと思われる弟の顔写真のみ。弟はある儲け話に乗ったものの失敗して多額の借金を背負い、タツミと父親の経営していた工場と実家は借金の形に取られてしまった。そしてタツミが最後に弟に向けて言い放ったのは「死んで詫びろ!」という言葉だった。 中華レストランで途方に暮れていたタツミは、知り合った男に誘導されるままに飛び込んだ売春宿で、リンという子持ちの売春婦と知り合う。彼女のアパートには息子のヨウと友人のメイが一緒に住んでいた。タツミにはかつて妻子がいたが、彼の暴力が元で離婚していた。リンとその息子ヨウの姿に、彼らを投影し、タツミは後悔の念にとらわれるのだった・・・。


Redemption Night         Dir. Takato HOSOI/Japan・Malaysia/2012/86mins/Digital/Colour
Trailer: http://youtu.be/hema1_VlZn4

Arriving at Kuala Lumpur, a Japanese guy, Tatsumi, searches for his missing younger brother Yuji. The only clue is an incomprehensible letter sent from KL and a photo of Yuji which is assumed to have been taken somewhere in this town. Yuji had unsuccessfully joined a money-making scheme and had got into a huge debt. Both his family home and the factory run by Tatsumi and his father had been used in payments for Yuji’s debt. The last word Tatsumi had thrown at his brother was “Apologize by your own death!”. Bewildered in KL, Tatsumi meets a guy at a Chinese restaurant and is taken to a brothel. There he encounters a prostitute named Ryn who is living in an apartment with her son Yoh and her friend May. Tatsumi once had a wife and a child, but had divorced due to his domestic violence. Seeing his own reflection in Ryn and Yoh, Tatsumi suffers from a sense of repentance….

The story begins with a recitation of The Quran (Surat Az-Zumar, Verse 53), and follows the journey of two brothers seeking redemption. The older brother comes all the way to Kuala Lumpur to find his younger brother, and realizes the numerous sins he has committed in his life. This recognition finally leads him to forgive his brother. “Berat Kandil”, explained by a Muslim woman at the mosque, means the night of confession that comes once every year in the Islamic world when all sins are forgiven with the presence of God. The wet images of the town’s crowds and the beautiful nature of the suburbs of Kuala Lumpur, together with the comfortable music, invite us to the magic of healing. After building his career in the field of TV programs, Takato HOSOI proves his established movie-making skills in this, his first feature film, with his steady manner of storytelling and efficient use of camera. Akihiro HIYAMA portrays the difficult role of Tatsumi, who is violent and also a man of few words. Sharifah Amani has opened up a new territory in her acting by playing the role of Ryn, the prostitute.

協力:ODD Pictures, ODD Pictures Malaysia

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