25日(土)21:30 31日(金)19:00
ホー・ユーハン監督は、ある人物のインタビューをするためにインドネシアの首都ジャカルタを訪れた。その人物とは、“GANYANG MALAYSIA!(マレーシア粉砕)”というスローガンを掲げる政治集団BENDERAのリーダー、アディアン・ナピトゥプル(ADIAN NAPITUPULU)。なぜ彼らは自分の祖国を粉砕したいのか?ホー監督はその思想の源泉を探る過程で、マレーシアとインドネシアに横たわる問題と歴史的な関係を掘り下げていく。
BENDERA(BENTENG DMOKRASI RAKYAT-人民民主主義の砦)が掲げるスローガン“GANYANG MALAYSIA”は、スカルノ初代インドネシア大統領が最初に提唱したもので、マレーシア独立の際に、ボルネオ(カリマンタン)島のサラワク・北ボルネオの領有権をめぐる対立があった事に端を発する。2010年8月、マレーシア領海を侵犯したインドネシア海洋水産省の職員3人が逮捕され、それに腹を立てたBENDERAのメンバーはジャカルタのマレーシア大使館前でデモを行った。マレーシア国内で働くインドネシア人は約220万人。その数はマレーシア人口の8%に当たり、うち50万人は不法入国者と言われる。近年、彼らがマレーシア国内で不当に扱われる事件が起こり、インドネシア国民の感情悪化の原因ともなっている。
Dir. HO Yuhang/2011/Holland・Malaysia/30mins/Digital/Colour
Trailer: http://youtu.be/YhefPOz_jSM
The director Ho Yuhang visits Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, to have an interview with Adian Napitupulu, the leader of a political group called BENDERA, which employs the slogan, “GANYANG MALAYSIA!“(Crush Malaysia). Why do they want to crush Yuhan’s mother country? In the process of seeking the source of their thoughts, the film cuts into the problems lying between Malaysia and Indonesia, and the historical relationships between the two countries.
“No One is Illegal” is the latest documentary film by Ho Yuhang, who has led the “Malaysian New Wave” with films including Rain Dogs, and At the End of the Daybreak. The film was produced as a project of the Rotterdam International Film Festival. It is a pop piece filled with innovative, unique ideas such as the use of animation, and distinctive tickers.
”GANYANG MALAYSIA”, the slogan put up by BENDERA (BENTENG DMOKRASI RAKYAT- the Fortress People’s Democracy), was originally propounded by the first President of Indonesia, Sukarno. It has its origin in the conflict over the sovereignty of Sarawak in Borneo (Kalimantan) Island and northern Borneo, which arose when Malaysia became independent. In August 2010, three Indonesian officials of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries who had encroached into Malaysian waters were arrested. Angered by this act, the members of BENDERA held a demonstration in front of the Embassy of Malaysia in Jakarta. The number of Indonesians working in Malaysia amounts to about 2.2 million. It equals 8% of the whole Malaysian population, five hundred thousand of which are said to be illegal immigrants. In recent years, incidents in which they are treated unjustly in Malaysia have occurred. These incidents are one of the factors worsening the emotions of Indonesian people.
協力: Paperheart
字幕翻訳:太田典子 Noriko OHTA