シネ・マレーシア --マレーシア映画の現在--  CineMalaysia --Festival of Malaysian film, Tokyo, 2013--
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Posted on 4月 22nd, by cinemalaysia in ラインナップ, 長編作品.

26日(日)18:45  28日(火)13:00  31日(金)20:50




ジョグジャカルタ・ネットパック・アジア映画祭にてグランプリ(Golden Hanoman Award)、台湾金馬賞にてNETPAC賞受賞。the Screen Awards in Malaysiaでは、最優秀作品賞・脚本賞を受賞した他、マレーシア版アカデミー賞Filem Festival Malaysiaでは、最優秀作品・監督・脚本・男優賞など最多8部門賞に輝いた。トロント国際映画祭、ロッテルダム映画祭、他、公式招待作品。2012年度米国アカデミー賞外国語映画賞、マレーシア代表作品。

デイン・サイードはクアラルンプールで生まれた後、幼少期よりエジプト、フランス、イギリスなど様々な国に住んだ経験を持つ。ロンドン大学ウェストミンスター・カレッジ卒業後、英国にて主にTV番組制作に従事。その時代の短編作品として『Surabaya Johnny』(1990)があり、この作品はオーストラリアで書籍としても刊行された。90年代半ばにマレーシアへ帰国後は広告・TV番組制作のかたわら、メディア・インスタレーション・アーティストとしても活動。その作品はthe Biennale of Sydney や the UBC Museum of Anthropology in Vancouverなどで公開され、ドバイのthe Burj al-Arabに所蔵されている。2007年に初長編映画『Dukun』を発表するが、この作品は様々な事情により一切の公開が認められず、本作『Bunohan』が実質的なデビュー作となる。

Dir. Dain Said/2011/Malaysia/97mins/Digital/Colour
Trailer: http://youtu.be/_OgrPtRhdnY

An assassin, Ilham, who has returned to his hometown after many years, has been hired by a Thai hit-man, Deng, to kill a man named Bunga Larang. At the same time, Bakar, a school-teacher in the city, is ambitious for business success and plots to sell his father’s ancestral land to a developer. Their younger brother, Adil, appears in the ring as a Malay traditional martial artist, a Tomoi kick-boxer. Bunga Larang, whom the brother Ilham has to deal with, is in fact the ring name for Adil. Their father, who is a shadow puppet master, refuses to let go of the land, and the feud among the three brothers over the inheritance of the property reveals the secrets of their birth.

Set in a fictitious village, Bunohan, on the east coast of the Malay Peninsula close to the Thai border, it is an infinitely beautiful, yet bestial and tragic drama of three brothers, who are an assassin, a businessman and a boxer. Based on the film noir style, it could be described as the Malay version of The Brothers Karamazov. It gathers the threads of the multi-layered sceneries of the world of the traditional shadow play, wayang kulit, and a landscape that awakens memories of the indigenous land of Malaysia. There are themes of native culture, nature and the community that is being destroyed… Who is the real puppeteer of this story? This work brings unprecedented texture and dignity that have not been seen before in Malay films.

Bunohan won the Golden Hanoman Award at the Jogja-NETPAC Asian Film Festival, and the NETPAC award at the Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival. It was awarded with the Best Film and the Best Screenplay awards at the Screen Awards in Malaysia. At the Filem Festival Malaysia, aka Malaysian Academy Awards, the film won 8 categories including the Best Picture, the Best Director, the Best Screenplay, and the Best Actor awards, winning most awards of this year. The work has been screened as the official selection at the Toronto International Film Festival, the Rotterdam International Film Festival and many others. Also, the film is Malaysia’s entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 85th Academy Awards.

Born in Kuala Lumpur, Dain Said grew up and lived in various countries, including Egypt, France and Italy. After graduating from London University of Westminster, he worked mainly on television programs in the UK. His short film Surabaya Johnny (1990) was made at that time and was also published in Australia as a novel. Returning to Malaysia in the mid 1990s, besides establishing himself in the television industry and commercials, Dain Said has worked actively as a media installation artist. His work was screened at the Biennale of Sydney, and at the University of British Colombia Museum of Anthropology in Vancouver and is on permanent display at the Burj al-Arab, in Dubai. His first feature film Dukun was directed in 2007. However, the controversial film was banned and has never been released. As a result Bunohan has become in a way his debut film.

字幕翻訳:戸加里康子 Yasuko TOGARI

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